Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Okay, so it's been a while since I've updated my blog... My sister mentioned to me that a lot of people update their blogs on a daily basis...definitely more often than a bi-monthly basis. I've got a couple of excuses. Excuse number one is the last time I went to work, I took our shiny new netbook (part of the inspiration for this blog) and left the power cord sitting at home on the kitchen counter. Excuse number two is that it's summer time and all outdoor activities with the kids take priority over a blog...it's been busy. I could probably throw in excuse number three that I'm really trying hard to spend less time on the computer when I'm at home. So in light of the fact that it's been so long since my last post 'Yesterday' it would be fitting to call this one 'Today.'

Today is crew change day. Crew change day can be the most dreaded and the most anticipated day of the week. And that depends on which way you're going...to camp or home. Today, I came into camp. Now being that I love my job and feel pretty darn lucky to have a job I enjoy, I can't say that it's so bad coming to work. The hardest part for me is always leaving home. Home is definitely where my heart is. Leaving home always starts the night before. Putting the kids to bed and reminding them that I won't be home when they get up because daddy has to leave for work in the morning, early. It's a wonderful time but I find it hard not to be sad at the same time. It's wonderful because no matter how challenging it's been to get the kids to bed, I feel and share their desire for everything to be healed before I say good bye. It always means lots of kisses and hugs and kissing hands to travel with me. If you have the book about the little raccoon going to school for the first time, you know what a kissing hand is. It is equally hard to leave my wife. She always looks so peaceful and comfortable in early morning sleep when I wake her up with a kiss goodbye. I just can't leave without that.

Depending on how far we have to travel, crew change can be exhausting. We usually spend at least half of the day driving and flying in float planes to get to camp. As soon as you arrive you need to get ready to jump in and get right to work so your cross shift buddy can get the hell out! He's on his way home! It never ceases to amaze me how foreign it feels to get behind the controls of the helicopter after just one week off. I believe it's because we finish our week of work at such a level of proficiency that when we come back to work we notice right away even the slightest change. It also seems to take your eyes and mind a bit to adjust to doing everything with your head tipped over and looking straight down the 200' line at whatever implement is hanging at the end of it. Today we came into grapple logging before switching to the hook. I should probably try to start adding some pictures and descriptions of logging and some of the various other types of work we do.

So here I am now, first night in camp. My stomach is full because I just ate way too much heavy camp food. My eyes are sore and I've got a head ache. But most of all, I have a heavy heart because I'm missing my home. Thinking about next crew change day when I get to go home and smiling because I have two kissing hands to keep with me until I get there.

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